Management Team
The GO Business Leadership Team is group of dedicated professionals. Comprised of both highly trained and skilled technical personnel versed in all aspects of ERP Software, as well as experienced business people who understand the needs, demands and challenges of running a range of diverse businesses. The combined depth and breadth of their experience means that your organisation will be in very good hands.
Nic Rosato Managing Director Nic Rosato is Director and Co-Founder of the joint venture company, GO Business Australia Pty Ltd. With over 40 years experience in the Information Technology and Business Accounting fields, Nic is a seasoned IT professional. His expertise spans the full spectrum of Business Software Industry from analysis to design, development to deployment, project management to enterprise directorship, Nic is an award winning entrepreneur. Nic was responsible for the design and development of GO Business Australia’s ERP Solution, the GO Enterprise Suite, which has been translated into a number of foreign languages and is now poised for distribution around the world via its leading edge, Cloud based technology. Prior to this, Nic established other successful IT companies starting in 1983, which custom design business software, and has continued to serve as its director of those companies for over 29 years. Specialising in fully integrated ERP software solutions for small to medium sized businesses and organisations, and has created systems for the engineering, manufacturing, wholesaling, retail, point of sale, hospitality, fishing & ticketing industries. From 1980 to 1983, Nic was employed as the Senior Systems Analyst and Project Manager for the Westfarmers Group. From 1970 to 1980 NIc was employed with the State Energy Commission WA. Starting in the Accounts Department, he was later put in charge of the IT Department, responsible for developing and managing the entire stores & inventory system for the organisation (Materials Management & Information System / MMIS).
Mark Di Ciano Manager Cloud Operations Mark Di Ciano has 14 years professional experience in the IT industry, specialising in the field of Systems and Network administration and Cloud hosting technology. In 2010 Mark joined GO Business as the lead network design and technical engineer, responsible for creating and implementing the infrastructure which hosts the GO Enterprise Suite application across geographically dispersed data centres. In 2007 Mark joined Connected Systems Group as SharePoint engineer and network consultant before starting his own network consulting company MDCnet Computers. Whilst running MDCnet Computers Mark was also the IT Manager for Diploma Construction, a leading Perth construction company with over 150 staff and multiple sites including an office and project site in Dubai which Mark led the project in establishing communications with the Perth head office. Through MDCnet Computers Mark has been instrumental in the design and support of Clayko Group’s network, a Perth based document management hosting company. In 2001, Mark commenced work as a Network Support Engineer for leading WA support companies Alphawest and CMCS Networks. Mark began his business career in the building and construction industry, being self employed for 7 years |
Alec Monger Independent Systems Consultant With over 11 years experience as a systems consultant with GO Business Australia Pty Ltd, Alec is responsible for supporting and developing the GO Enterprise Suite and related GO Solutions for specific client applications and also for ongoing product enhancement and upgrades. His range of expertise within the GO Enterprise Suite includes creation and design of Application Software across a variety of languages, SQL Server products, Hardware Networking, Web Site Development and System Integration for interfacing with other software programs. Alec is a highly skilled consultant who regularly liaises with clients to provide technical support, customised solutions and implementation training and assistance. He has a Certificate 4 in Computer Programming from Interim Technologies, and has specialist competencies across Access, Html,, Java Script and Cobol. Prior to joining the Atlas Software team, Alec successfully worked with the computing division at the Reserve Bank of Australia, processing electronic payroll files for state government departments, for over 10 years. As an IT career professional, Alec brings his depth and breadth of knowledge and expertise to the GO Business team and is recognised for his excellent interpersonal skills and natural talent in assisting clients to achieve their outcomes. |