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GL Transactions

GO General Ledger Module
GL Accounts
Everything required to set-up, maintain and manage your organisation’s unique General Ledger Accounts is available in this process. GO GL Accounts provides you with a streamlined system for establishing and accessing the chart of accounts, including account code, type and description.
The Chart of Accounts is completely user defined, as there are no pre-defined or pre-requisite structures necessary in GO General Ledger. This makes it very flexible as it can be entirely moulded to suit even the most demanding client needs.
The General Ledger Accounts Detail Form shows monthly figures for the current year and two previous years. For the current year, cumulative monthly figures are available, as well as budgets and forecasts. The Journal lines from which the monthly figures are derived can be accessed and viewed by simply selecting the relevant Period button within the form.
Highlighted Features
  • GO General Ledger can import any existing chart of accounts and can be completely structured and restructured to the user’s exact needs.
  • GO GL Account Codes can be completely structured, completely unstructured or both, in the same chart of accounts.
  • GL Account Codes can be up to 25 characters wide and each contain up to 10 segments providing highly specific, qualified and distinct account codes for superior reporting and analysis.
  • Once users have established their unique set of GL account codes, system restrictions are in place to ensure only the correct account code combinations, as set, are entered. The auto expand code search feature is compliant to these pre-set codes.
  • Go General Ledger provides the means to change a GL Account Code across the entire GO Enterprise database, wherever the GL Account Code sits.

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  • Have you outgrown your existing business software?
  • Need the power and productivity that new generation systems can provide?
  • Or, not sure and need some guidance?


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